Thursday, April 28, 2011

Journal 05: Peer Dialogue #5


Jonathan has added a lot to his blog since I last saw it. I noticed that he took away his fashion page and changed it to a Street Art page. I think this is a really cool idea because there are so many cool designs that have been painted on buildings around Columbus.

I also like how one of his designers was NASA. I didn’t really think of NASA as a designer but I realized that they are probably one of the most advanced technical designers. Their ability to think outside of the box and create new things has made it possible to go to the moon!

You can see Jonathan’s blog at:


I agree with Lindsay about being interested in designing to help others. I also found the baby incubator a really cool product that has the ability to save lives.

I also liked Lindsay’s pictures of the found faces on campus. I especially like the one of the lookout binoculars, because I remember seeing those at different tourist places and thinking that they do look like a face.

I thought it was interesting how she talked about designer brands in her Reading Reflection 01. I know that I have the problem where I am attracted to brand name items because I think they are better than non-brand names. I know that this isn’t necessarily true, but I can’t seem to break my shopping habit!

You can see Lindsay’s blog at:


I thought it was funny how I had a lot of the same “found faces” photos as Becky. We both took pictures of outlets and microwaves. I think that because a lot of us were looking around dorm rooms, we came across the same faces.

In her Course Reflection 02, Becky also mentioned all of the creative ways people have thought of to make the world a better place. One part that I really enjoyed was the idea of putting gardens on the roofs of buildings. I think that this is a really abstract idea, but one that would work well.

I also like the picture of the “Bookworm” bookshelf she has under her Designer Investigation assignment.

You can see Becky’s blog at:

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