Sunday, April 10, 2011

Course Reflection 01

So far, I have really enjoyed this class. I thought it was interesting to learn how design has evolved over the years. For another one of my classes, I had to write a paper about the history of industrial and systems engineering (ISE) and I noticed a lot of similarities between the history of ISE and design. Mass production was crucial to the development of ISE and design because products were now being made more efficiently and all products were made in a standard way.

I also really liked the slides containing the different chairs that have been famous in design. I think it is really interesting how something so basic as a chair can be designed in so many ways. During the tours of the libraries, I thought it was really cool how Ohio State has purchased some of these chairs for students to actually see.

The two videos we have watched in class have also contributed to my appreciation for design. In my engineering classes, I have learned about cultural ergonomics, which is improving a system by learning about the culture and way of life of who you are trying to help. This was also a prominent idea in the video by Ted Brown. In order to design a product, it is crucial that the people are able to use it.

I also enjoyed the video about Paul Rand. I found it very interesting how he defined design as a combination of form and content. Before watching the video, I found it hard to define design. After hearing his definition, I think it makes a lot of sense how both of these elements need to present for product to be well designed.

I am looking forward to learning more about design during the quarter!

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