Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Course Reflection 05

The last two classes of the quarter were spent presenting our Coleman for the Home Projects. It was very interesting and fun to see all of the groups and the cool ideas that they came up with.

Team 2 had an interesting idea with the HotTop indoor kitchen, and I could see it as something that I would want to use. I was a little confused when the group showed the sketch of the Coleman product that already existed, because it seemed very similar to their product that they came up with.

Team 3 proposed a desk storage unit that I found really interesting. It seems like something I would like to use, or I could see my younger siblings liking.

Team 5 had the idea of creating a twin bed design that brings the outdoors in. It was a really cute idea and I could see someone using it to decorate their kid’s room if they wanted an outdoor theme.

Team 6 designed a table/hammock that can be used in small spaces. I think this is a really good idea because it is difficult to find tables that can fit into small spaces. I alto thought the hammock idea was cool because it is a interesting way to incorporate seating into an existing item in your house.

Team 7 designed a bowl that is able to collapse to save space. I think this is a good idea and something that I would use in my dorm room or kitchen.

Team 8 came up the idea of creating the EcoStat plug adapter and app. I think this is a really cool, revolutionary idea that a lot of people would use. As long as it is user friendly and simple to use, I think this idea could become really popular.

Team 9 designed the Elements white board lamp. I really like this idea and I would definitely buy this if I saw it. I think adding a plug to power the lamp inside and also batteries for outdoor use would make this product more versatile.

Team 10 proposed the nature hiking treadmill. I think this is an interesting idea for a new video game and it was cool that they thought of partnering with Wii.

Team Jacks had the idea of the versatile utensils. I think this is a good way to save space in the kitchen with utensils that are not used very often, such as a whisk, spatula and strainer. I also liked how the packaging was also part of the product.

Team Queen came up with the idea of the green lantern. I think it was a cool idea to have a lantern that looks like a home décor product.

Team King designed the space saving cook top and table. I really liked this idea and I think they did an awesome job with their graphics. I thought they did a lot of research behind the induction cook top and it seems like a really cool technology.

Team Ace designed the deluminator, which is a device used to remove light bulbs form ceilings, along with attachments to paint ceilings and dust ceilings. I think this is an interesting way to combine a lot of different products.

Overall, I think everyone proposed really interesting products and I enjoyed listening to people’s presentations.

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